Cloud-based Collaboration
Cloud-based Collaboration

Helping businesses share, edit and work together, from any location.

The challenge

The true value of cloud-based solutions is the power to access apps, share data and connect colleagues – wherever they may be. It’s a crucial element of the drive to leverage technology and increase productivity. And as the modern workplace continues to evolve, your customers increasingly want tools that remove friction and facilitate idea-sharing.

By understanding how your customers work and the makeup of their application estate, you'll be better positioned to understand where opportunities for better collaboration exist, and therefore how to add real value as a solutions provider.

Our knowledge of leading cloud-based collaboration tools from market-leaders including Microsoft and Adobe perfectly positions us to guide your engagements with customers, ensuring you capture every opportunity for optimisation, upsell and growth.

Business collaboration and communication

Cloud-based collaboration is nothing new – after all, many of your customers will already be leveraging applications such as Microsoft Teams every day. But are they collaborating as effectively as possible? And can they really say they’re getting the most from the capabilities their existing investments have to offer?

We’ll help you build the knowledge and expertise to spot the gaps in your customers’ use of existing tools, opening the door to new capabilities that add immediate value. This includes embracing integrations between leading tools, such as Microsoft 365 and Adobe, to ensure a consistent and joined-up user experience, as well as fostering collaboration across creative platforms such as Adobe Creative Suite and Vimeo Enterprise.

Cloud-based telephony

The upcoming PSTN switch-off deadline is a hot topic across the industry, pushing businesses to rethink their telephony estate and properly switch-on to digital communication. As your customers look to assess their options, we’ll prepare you with solutions that can be quickly deployed, easily managed and simply provisioned – without breaking the bank.

Our expertise in Voiceover IP telephony – including the deployment of Teams Phone and virtual meeting rooms – can help you engage with your customers’ requirements and better align solutions that add value from day one, putting cloud-based business communications to work in every channel.

How can we help you?
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Case Study


How long till the PSTN switch-off?
The deadline for PSTN switch-off is December 2025. By this time all businesses need to have migrated off these legacy systems onto cloud-based telephony solutions. For many, tools like Microsoft Teams represent a logical and straightforward choice. For solution providers like you, this is a brilliant way to help customers centralise their digital communication channels and streamline collaboration inside and outside their business.
My customer already has lots of collaboration tools, what now?
The emergence of hybrid working and the impact of the pandemic led many businesses to invest (sometimes overly) in tools to help their people. In the early days many of those tools were immature, so more were needed to cover all the capability requirements. As tools have advanced, there are countless opportunities to help your customers consolidate solutions and optimise workflows on familiar platforms.
What if Microsoft 365 isn’t my customer’s collaboration platform of choice?
Of course, there are other collaboration platforms in use and Microsoft 365 isn’t the answer to every customer scenario. We can help you identify solutions that will complement whatever collaboration stack your customer has deployed today with the express intention of advancing their capabilities and making it easier for their people to do their best work.
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