Is your customers’ marketing missing a signature move?

Exclaimer email signature management isn’t just for helping IT teams ensure compliance – it’s a powerful addition to a business’s marketing toolbox. But how does Exclaimer stand to benefit organisations who unlock its full potential?


It’s likely you and your customers are already familiar with Exclaimer. It’s the industry-leading solution for email signature management that allows IT teams to easily standardise, control, and update email signatures across the business.

It’s value as a compliance tool is time-tested, but something that is often overlooked is the huge benefit that Exclaimer can offer in terms of marketing. For many organisations, business-as-usual (BAU) emails represent the most active channel of communication with their customers. While most email signature software just focuses on adding essential information to the bottom of an email (such as a user’s name, job title, and any legal disclaimers) Exclaimer goes above and beyond, helping marketing teams leverage BAU comms as a key marketing vehicle.

Elevating email signature management

In-email banners offer a reliable way to promote a key marketing message or event to everyone your customers interact with, but without proper control and management, these marketing assets can very quickly go off-piste.

One of the most common challenges is the need for users to orchestrate the delivery of these banners themselves. Without a level of control or supervision, banners can be uploaded incorrectly, displayed poorly, or retained long after their relevance expires. With Exclaimer’s email signature management, however, this can be easily avoided.

Promotional email banners can be scheduled to only be included in signatures for a given length of time, and automatically included as part of a rotation to avoid duplication. This immediately allows your customers to harmonise their marketing messages across different departments, but the value Exclaimer offers doesn’t end there.

By integrating Exclaimer into Salesforce, your customers can also target specific email banners to customer lists in the platform – this means your customers can target messaging based on whether a contact is an existing customer, where they’re located, how regularly they engage with other marketing communications, or any number of other factors.

This level of email signature management can become a powerful and targeted marketing tool, allowing messages to be tailored to a particular customer group, ensuring customer segments can be served with relevant messages as needed.

Exclaimers’ in-built A/B testing functionality also helps marketing teams determine which banners play best to different audiences and optimise what’s included on outgoing communications to maximise return on investment. This level of email signature management transforms business-as-usual email into one of a business’s most valuable marketing channels.

How Exclaimer can help your customers even more

According to McKinsey & Company, this type of personalised communication, driven by best-in-class email signature management, can reduce customer acquisition costs by 50% and increase revenues by up to 15%. But Exclaimer can add even further value compared to other platforms.

Integrations with Microsoft Bookings and Calendly allow email recipients to easily schedule a call with a sales representative, reducing friction and helping your customers engage face-to-face more often with less hassle.

The Exclaimer Signature Feedback Power Up allows one-click surveys to be included in email signatures, making another vital workflow frictionless, and helping businesses drive greater customer satisfaction. It’s not uncommon for this type of feedback to fall under the radar, so Exclaimer also offers the ability to build an automated process to ensure that valuable end-user feedback is received and responded to.

In contrast to other email signature management platforms, Exclaimer also offers the ability to add banners above emails, as well as in the footer. This engages recipients right out the gate and can help bring immediate attention to a given marketing message. This also gives outgoing emails a more professional, engaging feel – combining the designed assets of a dedicated marketing communication with the personalisation and relevance of an individual email send.

The Exertis difference

If you’re an MSP who’s ready to help your customers leverage the full potential of Exclaimer’s email signature management, we’re here to help. From our marketplace, you can self-serve Exclaimer licences, (or even set up your own marketplace from which your customers can self-serve) and our 24/7 support team is standing by to help resolve any issues.

Get in touch with the Exertis Cloud team today to find out more.

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